Calvin University International Instritute explores collaborative oppurtunities at WVSU


On August 2, 2023, the esteemed representatives from Calvin University International Institute led by Dr. Incheon Yeou, dean of International Education Institute, paid a significant visit to West Visayas State University in a bid to foster academic collaboration and strengthen international ties.

The delegation, together with Mr. Woo-Jong Lee; Mr. Allan Sweeney, the director of Sta. Clarita International School; and Ms. Prima Buckley-Sweeney, directress of the same school, was warmly welcomed by Prof. Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka, director of International and Local Linkages Office.

During the afternoon visit, the korean university took fruitful discussions with Dr. Alexander Balsomo, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, on various subjects including student exchange programs, and faculty development opportunities. Both parties expressed keen interest in leveraging each other’s expertise to broaden academic horizons and enrich the educational experiences of their students.

In addition to the academic meetings, the delegation from Calvin University had the chance to tour the picturesque campus of West Visayas State University, getting acquainted with its state-of-the-art facilities and witnessing the vibrant campus life.

As the visit concluded, Calvin University International Institute looked forward to formalizing the details of their potential collaboration and enriching the educational journey through Memorandum of Understanding.