Dalhousie University, Canada re-visited WVSU for further talks on collabs

eight adults standing in line, facing the camera; two males on both sides, with one foreigner standing on the right side; four females in the center, with two foreigners standing on the right side

David Park-Project & Advancement Coordinator for International (Truro) in the Faculty of Agriculture; Lana Bos-VP for International, and Audrie-Jo McConkey-Faculty met with the WVSU College of Agriculture and Forestry (CAF) represented by Dr. Anthony Leal-Dean of the School of Agriculture, Mr. Leonie Consabo-Faculty, and Mr. Michael Victor Gonzales-Internationalization Coordinator for the campus.


WVSU International and Local Linkages Office – ILLO Director Ms. Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka was also there to moderate the meeting and guide the discussion. Dr. Greta Gabinete, VP for Research, Innovation, and Extension, who is also a faculty of CAF, was in full support of the endeavor.

Collaboration involving the Wildlife Conservation Park that the College of Agriculture and Forestry is taking care of, will possibly commence in 2025.