JCI Iloilo Ilang-Ilang launches projects with WVSU ILLO, USC

group of people in a covered basketball court posing for a picture; five people are holding a banner in the front and center, three people are holding a banner at the front left, and two people are holding another banner at the right; plastic chairs in rows with an aisle in the middle are facing the group of people

JCI Iloilo Ilang-Ilang with WVSU ILLO and WVSU-USC, two sustainable, environmental projects were launched. Paperfect, which aimed to turn scratch papers into notebooks and Basura Mo, Pulungkoan Ko will provide chairs made out of the plastic bottles.


JCI Iloilo Ilang-Ilang 2024 President, Ms. Lara Jeunesse Villaruel, commenced the said project initiative. She stated, “Hopefully, this is the start of our long-term partnership with WVSU”. Followed by a talk on solid waste management by Iloilo City General Services Officer, Engr. Neil Ravena.


Ms. Vida Aurora Sy, JCI Iloilo Ilang-Ilang 2024 VP for External Affairs highlighted the objectives of the project. On April 1, specially marked garbage bags will be distributed and the recyclable trash will be collected every Friday of next month.


By April 26, JCI Iloilo Ilang-Ilang will gather all the collected garbage and turn it into the said chairs and notebooks.


Finally, July 8-14 will be the distribution of the generated items from the clean-up drive to a few chosen schools.

projector screen on the left side, flashing the event title; printer banner on the right side