“Programmed Module Instruction: It’s Effect on
Learners’ Performance, Collaborative and
Critical Thinking Skills in General Mathematics”

About the Research
The research aimed to find out the effects of a researcher-made programmed module instruction to the learners‟ mathematics performance, collaborative skills and critical thinking skills in General Mathematics. Results showed that after the intervention, the learners‟ mathematics performance is at a „Proficiency level” and critical thinking skills improved to “Moderately Strong”. There was no significant difference in the mathematics performance of learners and critical thinking skills before exposure to non-programmed module instruction and programmed module instruction. There was significant difference in the mathematics performance and critical thinking skills of learners after exposure to non-programmed module instruction and programmed module instruction. The programmed module gave enjoyment, motivation, clear and simplified approach in presenting the lesson, encouraged the learners to work independently using computer and offered valuable instructional material for learners.
About the Researcher
Presently, the researcher is a Senior High School Teacher at Rufino G. Palabrica Sr. National High School, San Matias, Dingle, Iloilo. He has a passion in teaching mathematics to the millennial learners. For him, pursuing the doctorate degree is a requirement for the teacher to improve their teaching strategies and style in teaching millennial learners.