Title of Dissertation: Learners’ Learning Progression and Science Teachers’ Formative Assessment Practices: Bases for the Development of a Module in Physics

About the Research
The study aimed to investigate the assessment of the learning progression of students in physics and science teachers’ formative assessment practices to develop a module in physics. Results revealed that the Grade 11 students had not mastered skills in inferring how the movement of the particles of an object affects the speed of sound through it, investigating relationship between the angle of release and the height and range of the projectile, inferring the relationship between current and charge, describing the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile, and inferring that the total momentum of the system before and after collision is equal. Meanwhile, the formative assessment strategies of science teachers were classroom discussion, problem-solving, observation, rubrics, Venn diagram, multiple-choice, and self/peer assessments. Science teachers utilized the results of these formative assessments to elicit evidence about students’ learning and to modify or adjust teaching and learning instruction. The teaching module in physics was overall rated excellent by the teachers in terms of objective, content, activities, assessment, design, and presentation. Hence, the teaching module can be used as support instructional material for teachers to shorten the gaps in the learning progression of students in physics. It is recommended that students may engage in daily instructional activities that will best move them to deeper learning and application of knowledge.
About the Research Proponent:
The researcher is a Ph.D. in Science Education major in Physical Science candidate. He is presently a senior high school faculty member of Maasin National Comprehensive High School- Schools Division of Iloilo teaching science and research subjects. He supports the DepEd thrust of doing action research to answer the increasing need of strengthening classroom instruction and delivery to improve the quality of basic education.