To strengthen the ties within the WVSU system for a greater university student representation, the International and Local Linkages Office (ILLO) hosted the DagYoung Ambassadors’ Meeting and Election on July 23, 2024 at the Center for Teaching Excellence.
The Director of International and Local Linkages office, Ms. Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka, welcomed the student ambassadors coming from the different colleges and campuses of the WVSU system. She highlighted the importance of DagYoung Ambassadors in local and international partnerships, reiterating their roles in working with the strategic internationalization plans, programs and activities of the colleges and campuses for the purpose of Internationalization (IZN).
The event serves as an avenue for DagYoung Ambassadors to understand the value of university representation as they are now going to be in full force operations starting the first semester of this year.
Approved by the Board of Regents in 2022, the DagYoung Ambassadors refers to the official student ambassadors of the University. This assembly of students embodies the values and excellence the University has imparted and they aim to thrust WVSU into the international stage as it transitions into a research-centered institution.
The Student Ambassadors will be at the forefront of this significant milestone that is geared towards achieving the University’s mission, vision, and core values. They are composed of different student volunteers from the colleges and campuses of the WVSU system who are mandated to: assist in welcoming domestic and international partners of the University; coordinate with the Directors of ILLO and Public Affairs and Communications Office with regards to diplomatic and consular relations activities; work with the college/campus internationalization coordinators in the internationalization plans, programs, and activities of the college/campus; conduct International Program that promotes global competitiveness to students; create an internationalization plan for the students of the University; promote international friendship; and, advocate for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the University and its local and international partners.