“Technology-Supported Instruction:
Its Effect on Students’ Attitude, Difficulties
and Performance in General Mathematics”

About the Research
Generally, students have difficulties in dealing with calculations especially in signed numbers and working with mathematical problems. The researcher was challenged to find new teaching methods that could make the subject more interesting and appealing to the learners. The purpose of
this study was to investigate the effect of using technology-supported instruction in students’ attitude, difficulties, and performance in General Mathematics with special reference to the topic of Functions and Rational Functions in order to improve learner performance. The study used the
pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research design using quantitative approach. The results indicated that there was a significant differences existed in the attitude of students towards mathematics in terms of confidence in mathematics, t (40) = 4.680, p < .05; importance of
mathematics, t (40) =3.741, p < .05; and engagement in mathematics, t (40) = 4.288, p < .05 in favor of students who were exposed to technology-supported instructions. From the results it was evident that the use of technology-supported instruction had a positive effect on learners’ attitude
and understanding of Functions and Rational Functions and decreased their difficulties encountered in General Mathematics as reflected in their performance and on their attitude towards mathematics, as seen in the questionnaire responses.
About the Researcher:
The researcher is a Master Teacher II of Lamberto H. Tirol National High School, Yapak, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan. Over the past 13 years, she has taught Mathematics passionately. This has inspired her to pursue a Doctorate degree in order to make important contributions and development in the field of Mathematics. She is very interested in shaping curriculum and shaping students in order to prepare them for a modern world. She is also helping her fellow mentors by sharing her expertise as resource speakers during seminars and workshops.