Title of Dissertation: Development and Evaluation of an Instructional Package for Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino

PhD in Education Curriculum Development (candidate)
About the Research
This research aimed to develop an instructional package for Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino for Grade 11 students based on the least mastered competencies. It was implemented to eighty-seven (87) Grade 11 students and two Filipino teachers as participants. The development of the instructional package utilized the ADDIE model. The instruments used in this study were the researcher-made test, students’ and experts’ evaluation questionnaire for the efficiency and usability, and interview schedule for experiences in the used of the instructional package. The developed instructional package were validated by teachers and was further enhanced through their comments and suggestions. Frequency count, mean, standard deviation, rank, thematic, and document analysis were employed to analyze the data. The overall evaluation of the efficiency and usability of the instructional package was “very high” which means it is excellent and has met the standards in developing IM’s. The results also showed that the instructional package encompasses all the Dimensions of Curriculum Design. It can be concluded that the inclusion of the teacher’s manual and slidetext seem to enhance convenience for students in learning, as well as teachers in teaching the said subject. It is recommended that the developed instructional package will be used in the classroom for it can serve as an effective instructional material that will help students learn and understand KPWKP better.
About the Research Proponent
The researcher is a Ph.D. in Education major in Curriculum Development candidate. He is a former faculty member of Iloilo National High School and a Program Specialist in Filipino in the Division of Iloilo. He is currently an Asst. Professor III of West Visayas State University teaching Filipino subjects in the undergraduate and senior high school students in the university. Aside from being a lecturer, he is also an active researcher and extentionist.