The College of Nursing (CON), which is one of the flagship programs of the university, offers the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) programs. The College was established in 1977 to provide quality nursing education at very reasonable cost. CON has consistently been among the top 5 performing nursing schools in the Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE) of the Philippines since 1980 and again garnered 100% passing in the June 2007 NLE.

Select Program
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Master of Arts in Nursing    
    • Nursing Administration
    • Nursing Education

No qualified student shall be denied admission to the University  academic programs by reason of sex, ethnic considerations or religious beliefs and affiliations.

No transferee is admitted into the program.

The applicant must be a graduate of a general or vocational secondary school duly recognized by the Department of Education; at least 16 years of  age but not over 21 years old; single and should remain single throughout the course; must meet the West Visayas State University College Admission Test (WVSUCAT) cut-off score specified by the College.



CriteriaPercentage (%)
High School Grade Point Average (GPA)
WVSUCAT Performance
Nursing Aptitude Test Performance
Performance in the Interview



No student shall be registered in any subject after twelve (12%) percent of the regular class meetings have been held.  Registration made after the  regular registration  period indicated in the University academic calendar shall be subject to a fine for late registration. Special students may register after regular registration period without the  payment of fine for late registration but subject to other existing regulations of the University.



Enrolment Procedure:

Fill up classcards and submit to the instructor/professor during the first day of classes.



Graduation Requirements

A student shall be recommended for graduation from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program only after he/she has satisfied all academic, related learning  experience (RLE) hours and other requirements for graduation prescribed in the curriculum. The graduating student must be able to settle all deficiencies and clear his/her records not later than one (1) month before the end of the last semester in the University. The names of graduating students are then included in the list of candidates for graduation as endorsed by the Academic Council for approval by the Board of Regents.


Student’s Academic Load

One semester is equivalent to eighteen (18) weeks full hours of instruction in the form of lecture, discussion, tutoring and recitation or a combination of these forms within the ester or summer term. An undergraduate student shall be allowed to carry not more than 21 units a semester except in cases where the curricular program allows him to carry more.

A student who fails in a nursing subject, provided he/she has already completed 50% of the required units of the BSN program, will be required to audit in the pre-requisite nursing subject. Satisfactory completion of the requirements of this pre- requisite nursing subject will enable him/her to re-enrol in the nursing subject where he/she failed.


Residence Requirements

No student shall be allowed to graduate from the University unless he has completed  at least one year of residence.


Excuse slips for absences are obtained from the Office of the Dean or Unit Head concerned. These should be secured within twenty-four (24)  hours after the student’s return to school or RLE and to be presented to  the teacher/instructor concerned. Excuses shall be for time missed only.  All work covered by the class during the absence shall be made up by the  student to the satisfaction of the teacher and within a reasonable time.

The University Physician may issue a certificate of illness. Medical certificates of other duly-licensed physicians shall be honored.

Whenever the student has been absent from a class for three consecutive class meetings, the teacher concerned thereof shall send a report immediately to the Office of the Director of Student Services and to the dean of the student. The Director of Student Services shall call the student correspondingly notify the parents or guardian immediately.

When absence of a student reaches 20% of the hours of  recitation, lecture, laboratory or any other scheduled work in one course, he shall automatically be dropped from the course. If  60% or more of the absences are unexcused, the student shall be given a grade of “5.0”: otherwise, he shall be merely dropped without a grade.


Late enrolment shall be considered as time lost by absence.

Three tardy arrivals shall be equivalent to one-hour period absence. Tardy arrival is recorded when a student arrives in class after the teacher has called the roll. Absence is non-appearance of the student for the entire class period.


Grading System
The performance of students in class shall be graded at the end of each term using numerical grades in accordance with the following system:

 Numerical                   Percent                       Qualitative
Grade                    Equivalent                    Description

   1.00                             97-100                  Excellent
1.25                             93-96                    Highly Outstanding
1.50                             89-92                    Outstanding
1.75                             87-88                    Very Good
2.00                             85-86                    Good
2.25                             83-84                    Very Satisfactory
2.50                             80-82                    Satisfactory
2.75                             77-79                    Fair
3.00                             75-76                    Passing
5.00                  Less than 75                   Failure. Requires re- enrolment in &  repetition of course


Inc. – is given when work is incomplete. If the student passes the examination or submits required projects to remove the ”inc”, the final grade may be “3.0” or better; if he/she fails, the final grade shall be “5.0”.

S/U – S for satisfactory or U for unsatisfactory may be given to a student whose work (like thesis, research paper or dissertations) is in progress. The phrase “in progress” should be placed under “Remarks”.

Dropped – Given to those who voluntarily dropped the course or are dropped by the teacher for excessive absences.

Audit – Given to those who are allowed by the Office of Admissions & Records, with the consent of the teacher, to sit in the class to supplement their knowledge about the subject matter.


Removal of the “Incomplete” Marks

Removal examinations taken outside the scheduled regular and validating examination periods will be subject to the approval of the Dean upon payment of the removal fee of P50.00 per subject at the Cashier’s Office.

A grade of “Inc.” not removed within one (1) calendar year shall automatically become “5.0” unless there are evidences to the contrary, the Registrar is authorized to make the automatic correction from ‘Inc.” to “5.0”.


Scholastic Delinquency

The faculty of a college or unit shall approved suitable actions governing undergraduate delinquent students namely:

a.   Warning – A student will have a warning status if , at the end of the semester, he/she obtains final grades below “3.0” in 25% to 48% of the total number of academic units of the subjects he/she has enrolled in.
b.  Probation – A student shall be placed on probation for the succeeding semester, he/she obtains final grades below “3.0” in 50% to 75% of the total academic units of the subjects he/she had enrolled in.
c.  Dismissal – A student, shall be dropped from the rolls of the college or encouraged to shift to other courses within the University, he/she obtains final grades below “3.0” in more than 75% of the total academic units of subject enrolled.

Disqualification to enroll cited in the above paragraph does not apply to cases where grades of “5.0” were due to student’s unauthorized dropping after mid-semester  and the student’s class standing is poor, a grade of “5.0” shall be counted against him/her.


Curricular Changes

Dropping and/or Adding of Subjects, Changing of Classes

A student may, with the knowledge of the instructor of the subject and with the consent of the adviser and the Dean, drop a subject by filling in the prescribed form. He/She may add or drop subjects within one week after the opening. He/She then passes and files the forms to the accounting office and office of the admissions and records. A transfer to another class or section shall be made only with the consent instructors concerned.


Request for Unscheduled Subjects

Subjects unscheduled for a given term may be offered upon written request of at least fifteen (15) students, duly endorsed by the Dean and approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Subjects may be scheduled by the Dean to be offered in a term when needed by at least five (5) graduating students provided that written request is made at least two (2) weeks before the start of the registration to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Substitution of Subjects

Every subject substitution must be based on at least one of the following:
a.   When a student is enrolled in a curriculum that has been superseded by a new
one and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in line with the new;
b.   When there is conflict of schedule between the two subjects;
c.   When the required subject is not offered.

Every petition for substitution must be between subjects very similar in content and with the same number of units. It must be approved by the Dean and upon the recommendation of the adviser.


Leave of Absence

Leave of absence from study may  be sought with a written petition signed by the parent or guardian to the University Director of Admissions & Records stating the reason for which leave is applied for and specifying the period of the leave which must not exceed one academic year.

Withdrawal from the University without the formal leave of absence shall be a ground for the curtailment of registration privileges.


Honorable Dismissal

Honorable dismissal is voluntary withdrawal from the University with the consent of the Director of Admissions & Records or his authorized representative. All accounts with the University shall be settled before a statement of honorable dismissal can be issued. The statement shall indicate that the student withdraws in good standing as far as character and conduct is concerned. A certification of good moral character may be issued separately.

A student in good standing who desires to serve his connection in the University shall present a written petition to this effect, signed by his parent or guardian addressed to the Director of Admissions & Records. If the petition is granted, the student shall be granted honorable dismissal.

A student who leaves the University for reasons of suspension, dropping or expulsion due to disciplinary action shall not be entitled to honorable dismissal. Should he be permitted to receive his transcript of records or a certification of his academic status from the University, it shall contain a statement of the disciplinary action rendered against him.

Dr. Madonna S. Palmes
