Academic News

WVSU celebrates U-Days 2020

          Another year filled with camaraderie and fun came as West Visayas State University (WVSU) celebrated its University Days on January 21-24, 2020.

          With this year’s theme, “WVSU: Sustaining the Tradition of Excellence,” Dr. Joselito F. Villaruz, the newly-installed University President, highlighted the importance of the annual celebration during the Opening Program.

          “This event is an opportunity for us to showcase the talents of our students in the literary and cultural arts. Moreover, this will also give us three indelible and important lessons: one, the thrill of competition; two, the joy of winning and three, the humility of losing. Indeed, the memories that we get from competing will truly make us successful,” he said in his Welcome Remarks.

Parade of dances and colors fill the air as WVSU University Days 2020 Celebration kicks off (Photos by Forum Dimensions).

          The first day activities include the Holy Mass, Foot Parade, General Alumni Assembly, Gift Giving of Golden Jubilarians, Opening of Academic Exhibits and Agro-Industrial Fair, Visual Arts, Writing, and Live Band Competitions were conducted in various areas of the Main Campus while the Alumni Homecoming was held at the Iloilo Convention Center in the evening.

          On the second day, the Investiture Ceremony of Dr. Villaruz as the 8th WVSU President, Fiesta sa West, Mr. and Ms. West Preliminaries and Talents Night and contests on English Literary, Musical, and Radio Drama were conducted.

          The third day comprised contests on Filipino and Hiligaynon Literary, Newscasting, Dance and Quiz Bowl.

One of the performers in the Lip Sync Contest held at the final day of UDays 2020 (Photo by The Mediator).

          To cap the celebration, Lip Sync and Short and Sweet Play Contests were held in the morning while the Overall Awarding of University Week winners were done in the evening dominated by the Senior High School (SHS) as Overall Champion for 2 consecutive years; College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) as 1st Runner Up and College of PESCAR (COP) as 2nd Runner Up.

          Alongside the closing ceremony was the Coronation of Mr. and Ms. West where Terence Talagon and Angie Lou Somodio of SHS seized the titles, respectively.

SHS representatives Terence Talagon (left) and Angie Lou Somodio (right) were crowned as Mr. and Ms. West 2020 (Photos by Forum Dimensions).
Academic News

WVSU installs Dr. Villaruz as its 8th President

Dr. J. Prospero E. De Vera III (left) gives the Plaque of Installation to the new WVSU President, Dr. Joselito F. Villaruz (right) (Photo by Forum Dimensions).

            To formally install the 8th President of West Visayas State University (WVSU), an official investiture ceremony for Dr. Joselito F. Villaruz was held at the WVSU Cultural Center on January 22, 2020.

            Faculty members and staff of the Main Campus, deans, directors, heads of units, campus administrators, vice presidents, members of the Board of Regents, provincial government officials, friends and family of the new president have gathered to witness the ceremony.

            A processional led by Dr. Luis A. Abioda, Vice President for Academic Affairs, as the Grand Marshall was done to kick off the event. During the ceremony, various greetings to the president coming from different sectors were rendered by their respective key persons, namely: Dr. J. Prospero E. De Vera III on behalf of the WVSU Board of Regents; Ms. Khalel Czarine L. Tanalgo of the Federated Student Council on behalf of the students; Atty. Dennis T. Ventilacion of Federated Alumni Association, Inc. on behalf of the alumni; Hon. Gov. Arthur R. Defensor, Jr. of the Province of Iloilo on behalf of the community; Mrs. Mardy A. Ledesma of University Non-teaching Personnel Organization, Inc. (UNPO) on behalf of the non-teaching staff; Dr. Vicente C. Handa of the Faculty Association, Inc. on behalf of the faculty and Dr. Raul F. Muyong on behalf of the Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (RASUC-VI).

Dr. Villaruz takes his Oath of Office as the 8th President of WVSU. (Photo by Forum Dimensions).

            The reading of Board of Regents’ Resolution and President’s Appointment was done by Mrs. Belen G. Carreon, Secretary of WVSU Board of Regents. It was followed by the vesting of the academic robe, hood, and cap, imposition of the academic medallion, presentation of the academic mace and awarding of Plaque of Installation and the administration of Oath of Office to the new president.

Dr. Villaruz delivers his speech as he accepts the Academic Mace during his Investiture Ceremony (Photo by Forum Dimensions).

            After the installation rites, Dr. Villaruz delivered his address. In his speech, he shared his story as he began his journey towards presidency, underscoring that becoming a president was a ‘conscious and calculated effort on his part where he had to work hard, persevere, and prepare himself to finally realize such day happening.’ He further emphasized his vision for the University- among of which is transforming WVSU into a Research University by ensuring results that are of high impact and innovations that will consequently help build resilient communities. He also announced the opening of the College of Law in the upcoming academic year with observance of strict admissions process and the opening of Doctor of Dental Medicine Program, which his administration is currently working on, to become the second state university in the country to offer such program.

His presidency commenced on October 16, 2019 and will end on October 15, 2023.