Linkages News

WVSU celebrates 1st ASEAN Day ; highlights power of women

In support of the 54th Founding Anniversary of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), the WVSU Center for International Linkages and Public Information (CILPI) organized the first-ever ASEAN Day celebration on August 27, 2021, with the theme We care, we prepare, we prosper, honoring the chairmanship of Brunei Darussalam’s chairmanship this year.

A Virtual Panel Discussion on Women in the ASEAN Region was the highlight of the celebration It brought into light the strength, power, and challenges of the women in South East Asian nations. Six female panelists were invited from different countries in South East Asia, namely: Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines. An expert from one of WVSU’s partner universities in Taiwan was also invited as guest panelist.

A poll regarding what questions the WVSU community wanted to ask the women in the ASEAN region was conducted by the CILPI Office to determine what specific questions will be asked during the Panel Discussion proper. Most of the answers geared towards shaping society and empowerment:

“Let’s all of us be the push for everyone who need strength. Let’s be the hands for everyone needs help and let’s be the shoulder to everyone who are tired and mourning.” -Ms. Dona Saraswati Galindo, Indonesia-Philippines

“Women, we have to voice out. We want to contribute to our society.” -Prof. Shuchuan Liao, Asian University, Taiwan

“Once you’ve already achieved for yourself what you’ve dreamt achieving, then it’s time to give back and to help others to achieve their dreams.” -Atty. Jo Kristine Celera-Revil, Philippines

“Women is really strong, I want women to be aware of their rights and also be more confident.” -Ms. Somsavanh Outhavy, Laos

“Be yourself to the fullness. Everyone matters.” – Ms. Ninalyn Sulit-Cacananta, Singapore-Philippines

“Do not let discrimination weaken or degrade your spirit, for you yourself dictate your destiny. Be strong and stay strong.” – Asst. Prof. Dr. Napisa Waitoolkiat, Thailand

Prof. Edel Carmela S. Subong-Csoka, CILPI Director, also encouraged the WVSU community to take part in every opportunity in the ASEAN, “It’s time to think about what we can contribute as WVSU community. After all, we are one ASEAN.”

The event was in partnership with the Gender and Development Office, Development Communicators’ Society, and Young Journalists’ Society.

To note, the Chairmanship of ASEAN Anniversary rotates every year alphabetically, according to the English name of the ASEAN member-country.# – Zennia Mirasol/CILPI

Linkages News

WVSU on University ASEAN Day theme: ‘Women issues never end’

As a way to celebrate the first-ever ASEAN Day in West Visayas State University, women’s issues were highlighted as a theme for the 54th ASEAN Celebration, says the University’s Center for International Linkages (CILPI) Director, Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka.


In her message, Prof. Csoka believed that “women issues never end” as an answer to why focus on women in the panel discussion.


She also told that regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, and political system, this ASEAN Day celebration is also a reminder to all the ASEAN brothers and sisters that “we look after them, [and] we protect each other” as a way to better prepare for uncertainties so that “we could prosper together as one.”


“This is high time to look around and see what we could contribute not just by being keyboard warriors but by being the change that we want,” Prof.  Csoka stated.


Meanwhile, Dr. Jeanette J. Simpas, Director of Gender and Development Office, said that women’s participation in the community is one step towards a world where someday, women will participate on equal grounds with men.


“I hope that this panel discussion will bring you insights to our work and mission as people who care for one another and that we will use our learnings to reflect on how we can benefit from different perspectives of our panelists to further women’s empowerment and development in the communities,” Dr. Simpas said.


Dr. Joselito F. Villaruz, University President, was also thankful for having this panel discussion initiated by the CILPI Office, which will further promote the country’s sense of regional identity in Southeast Asia.


“Over the years, we have witnessed how cultural and academic exchanges have nourished between and among ASEAN member countries and this afternoon’s event is a clear manifestation of West Visayas State University’s support to the ASEAN community,” Dr. Villaruz shared.


This event was the 1st ASEAN Day Celebration in WVSU with the theme We Care, We Prepare,  We Prosper in honor of Brunei Darussalam’s chairmanship of this year’s anniversary of the Association of SouthEast Asian Nations, to encourage the WVSU community more to learn the different cultures and issues surrounding the ASEAN, and  in partnership with the Gender and Development Office, Development Communicators’ Society, and Young Journalists’ Society.# -Jonar Dorado/CILPI