Linkages News

West Visayas State University is actively engaged in CALOHEA

West Visayas State University is one of the 31 HEIs across 8 ASEAN countries, and 5 European states engaged in CALOHEA Project. The Project measures Competences and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia, a Project of the Erasmus+ Programme. It is coordinated by the University of Groningen in the Netherlands with the ASEAN University Network (AUN) partner agency.


CALOHEA operates through three Subject Area Groups: Civil Engineering, Medicine, and Teacher Education. Contributing to the internationalization of higher education institutions in South-East Asia, The Project is developing a series of interrelated measures in three Key Recognition Mechanisms:


The creation and use of regional subject-specific qualifications and assessment reference frameworks to permit greater comparability of institutional degree program profiles
Installment of the culture of Student Workload Measurement as an integral part of curriculum design
Implementation of authentic assessment of internationally comparable Learning Outcomes in degree programs

