

The West Visayas State University administration and the Board of Regents, have agreed to invalidate the WVSUCAT 2024 conducted on March 10, 2024, based on the committee’s preliminary reports.

There is reason to believe that the integrity of the examination has been compromised. Given this, the University will schedule a retake of the WVSU Admission Exam (WVSU AE) to be conducted on a date we will announce very soon and to be administered in identified testing centers covering the strategic geographical areas.

While the administration has moved forward through this difficult decision, we assure the public that the ongoing investigation will continue to proceed to identify accountable individuals for this breach. We empathize with the student examinees and their families for the inconvenience this has created. With that, we express our sincerest apologies.

Rest assured that the University stands by the principles of equity and fairness in handling its affairs. Conducting another examination will eliminate undue advantage for specific individuals who may have benefitted from the leaked examination items.

The examinees will receive communications from the Admissions Committee on the details of the new WVSU AE through their respective emails.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.