The first ASEAN Agriculture and Forestry Summit continued on its second day in West Visayas State University-College of Agriculture and Forestry (WVSU-CAF) on August 28, 2024. It was marked by discussions filled with knowledge-sharing and cultural exchange.
The second day kicked off with a research forum, with selected students from the WVSU-CAF presenting their proposals in forestry, animal science, and crop science. The proposals were evaluated by the esteemed guest, Dr. Donludee Jaisut, Associate Dean- International Relations of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kasetsart University, who shared her expertise and insights on the importance of research and international collaboration.
Today’s activities highlighted the essence of “Tabo, Tiraw, and Tungkad.” These themes represent the foundation of this summit, connecting people (“Tabo”) with shared knowledge, savoring the cultural identity (“Tiraw”) through traditional flavors and local delicacies, and rising to new heights (“Tungkad”) to collectively aim to uplift the fields of agriculture and forestry.
The day also featured a campus tour to the Mariit Wildlife and Conservation Park, which is under the care of WVSU CAF. The tour was guided by experts Dr. JB Ian Bullo- Campus Veterinarian, and Forester Rod Reynan L. Laspinas. This allowed both WVSU and Kasetsart University to appreciate the conservation efforts and expertise in fostering innovation and sustainability.
This summit is made possible through the collaborative efforts of West Visayas State University (WVSU) led by president Dr. Joselito Villaruz; Kasetsart University of Thailand represented by Dr. Donludee Jaisut, Associate Dean International Relations, Faculty of Agriculture Kasetsart University, Thailand; Prof. Edel Subong-Csoka, Director, International and Local Linkages Office; Dr. Joel Araquil, Campus administrator WVSU-CAF, with the assistance of Prof Michael Victor Gonzales, CAF IZN Coordinator, the CAF faculty and staff, and the DagYoung Student Ambassadors.