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WVSU welcomes visiting scientist

West Visayas State University has proven its quest to become one of the top research universities as viable by welcoming Dr. Roland J. Buresh, from the United States.

Dr. Buresh is the University’s visiting scientist, starting March 15, 2021 to August of the same year. The 6-month Visiting Scientist Program, though this time held via online platforms, is hosted by the College of Agriculture and Forestry, with campus administrator Dr. Dominador L. Lisao.

“A paper cannot be better without research. I want to highlight quality research as part of the success of publication process,” Dr. Buresh stressed.

He shared two ideas in publication: There is the ideal, wherein the researcher plans for publication when the research is planned; and the less desirable, wherein the researcher only plans for publication after the research is finished.

Dr. Buresh has a Ph.D. in Marine Science from Louisiana State University and Master of Science in Soil Sience from North Dakota State University. He has 127 publications and 6,204 citations by 4,763 documents, with h-index=49(Scopus); 17,845 citations with h-index=74, i10-index = 185 (Google Scholar);

Dr. Buresh will serve as mentor to 18 participants, including WVSU faculty and Ph.D. students. 

Dr. Greta Gabinete, WVSU’s OIC-Vice President for Research, Extension, and Training said the participants are assigned to Google Classrooms wherein activities and assignments will be required from them.  -CILPI


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9th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMED) 2021



The 9th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMED) 2021 will be virtually conducted on November 8-10, 2021 with the theme: “Anchoring Science and Mathematics as Framework: Transdisciplinary Studies towards Sustainable Future in the New Normal”. The main objective of this conference is to strengthen the level of knowledge, skills and competencies in STEM education to all educators. 

West Visayas State University is one of the collaborators in the conduct of this year’s CosMED among the various conference partners coming from different countries. The 9th CosMED 2021 is organised by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics (SEAMEO RECSAM) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education Malaysia, Society for Research and Development, Penang Malaysia.

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Since 2018, Pusan National University’s (PNU) Language Education Institute has supported 307 Korean language textbooks to the 101 students who are enrolled in Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages at West Visayas State University.

              PNU is sending books: 친절한 한국어, every semester, which is facilitated by PNU’s Language Education Institute’s dean, Dr. Eunryoung Lee (이은령).

  As part of the signed Memorandum of Understanding between WVSU former president, Luis M. Sorolla, and Dr. Ho Hwan Chun, PNU former president, the book donation was meant to foster mastery of the Korean Language to BAFL – Korean major students as well as to strengthen the partnership between the said institutions and also to serve as a bridge for mutual development between Philippines and South Korea.

 On the other hand PNU decided to plan a 10-week course program in Korean language training for students of WVSU and select the top-performing students to be provided with free Korean language courses at Pusan National University. It will take place every summer.

However, due to the pandemic, the first batch of students to be sent to PNU were unable to push through with the proposed schedule but will continue with the program after the meeting for the rescheduling is done.

Meanwhile, Korean Major Students of WVSU are thankful and overwhelmed by the support. “To say I was ecstatic is a gross understatement. Not only did PNU’s generosity assisted our learning of the Korean language, but in a way eased financial distress. We hope to repay them through our continuous progress” Says Krizza Cañete, a BAFL student recipient of the said exchange.

West Visayas State University and Pusan National University hopes for more benevolent exchanges in the future.