
US Embassy-sponsored reading workshop continues on the second and last day with exchange of strategies for reading teaching; discusses gap in Filipino’s literacy

The morning sessions on November 7, still led by US Embassy’s English Language Fellow, Dr. Kirsten Dyck, began with Games for Teaching Reading, which tackles the different educational games to help students interact with stories. It was followed by Creating Your Own Materials for Teaching Reading, wherein the participants made and shared their own creative learning materials.

In the afternoon, Dr. Carleen Velez, the Regional English Language Officer (RELO) of the US Embassy, joined the remaining two sessions of the workshop: Hands-On Reading Activity Session and Roundtable Discussion – Final Thoughts and Questions.

The main topic of discussions among the chosen panelists from each WVSU campus revolved around the students’ strength in creativity must be utilized to their maximum potential, for them to learn effectively as it encourages a more engaging method of learning—either through video-making or graphics. However, the group agreed that with the careless usage of technology, today’s generation of students are equipped to use it as “source material” and “short fixes”—they no longer connect with text, which led into the conclusion that students must be immersed in reading a few minutes before the start of the class to give them “opportunities to engage with texts” on reading materials of their own choosing and discussing it later on in class.

Concerns regarding “regimented curriculum”, which unable educators to teach reading with creative liberty were also raised. An alternative was suggested by the group: adapt “uninterrupted, sustained silent reading” and as well as give the students reading materials in advance to provide them the luxury of learning it at their own pace.

Dr. Velez recognized that besides being creative, Filipinos are “amazing performing artists”. She said, “I think sometimes as teachers we don’t take that aspect into the classroom.” She emphasized how some students register or process knowledge in different ways, and what works for one student might not work for the rest of the class.

“Take the strength and creativity that Filipinos have and give them a little bit of choice on how they demonstrate their knowledge and I think your students are gonna be happier,” Dr. Velez added.

The training-workshop was in coordination with the WVSU International and Local Linkages Office – ILLO.


US Embassy English language fellow leads reading workshop among WVSU faculty

Dr. Kirsten Dyck, English Language Fellow at Angeles University, Pampanga leads the discussion on the Student-Centered Reading Workshop among English teachers of the WVSU system.

Today’s activity is composed of four sessions: A presentation on the 10 Ways to Make Your Students Not to HATE Reading; Gallery Walk of Participants’ Favorite Reading Instruction Materials; Selecting Higher-Order Thinking Activities; and Feedback/Brainstorming Session to Work on Participants’ Reading Instruction Challenges.

This is a two-day workshop, which will end tomorrow, November 7.

The Regional English Language Officer of the United States Embassy in the Philippines, Dr. Carleen Velez, will be joining the session on the last day.

This training-workshop is sponsored by the US Embassy in the Philippines, in coordination with the WVSU International and Local Linkages Office – ILLO .


Our exchange students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember are now here in Iloilo City!

The Indonesian students will be joining the classes at the College of Information and Communications Technology and the College of Business and Management.

This activity is dubbed as Creating Opportunities: The WVSU Student Exchange Program, organized by the WVSU International and Local Linkages Office – ILLO , College of Information and Communications Technology and the College of Business and Management.


Canadian Trade Commissioner discusses collab with WVSU, focus set on health, agriculture

Ms. Marie Angela Cachuela, the Trade Commissioner for Agriculture and Education of the Embassy of Canada met with the West Visayas State University key people led by President Dr. Joselito Villaruz on October 20, to discuss possible opportunities for collaboration.


WVSU partners with RO6 SUCs on Best Practices in International Internships talks

West Visayas State University (WVSU) headed a virtual discussion to shed light on the best practices of the state universities and colleges in Region VI on October 18, 2023. The partner state universities were Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U), Capiz State University (CAPSU), and Guimaras State University (GSU). Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU), though not in Region 6, served as guest partner.


Called as Region VI on Spotlight: Best Practices in International Internships, the activity tackled what works in a state university, procedures/protocols, and best practices.


WVSU President Dr. Joselito Villaruz welcomed the participants, “Today shows the untiring efforts of internationalization, where barriers of competition and exclusivity among state universities are broken and we welcome the spirit of unity by the sharing of the best practices in international internships.”


The presenters were Dr. Marien Laureto, Director-International and National Affairs of CAPSU, Dr. Joel Japitana, Director-International Affairs and External Linkages of GSU, Mrs. Angeline Basco, National and International Coordinator of the College of Industrial Technology of ISAT U, and Dr. Ma. Flora C. Collado, Chair-Division of Hospitality Management of WVSU.


The discussions with the four universities in Region 6 revolved around the following points: in the era of Internationalization, student internships abroad are conscious efforts , though voluntary, for learners to be able to not only learn academically and put into practice the theories they were taught, but also to immerse them into cultures different from theirs-making them globally competitive and developing in them global citizenship. However, the internships must undergo procedures properly—there should be an existing memorandum of understanding or memorandum of agreement between the sending school and the host school abroad with the internship plan approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the University President.


Issues regarding financial subsidy to outbound students were also brought up, discovering that each university has different practices. Dr. Nemia Mabaquiao, the Vice President for External Affairs of ISAT U said that “while we spend for our foreign students, we should also spend for our own” to support international internship or exchange.


Ms. Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka, Director of the International and Local Linkages Office of WVSU stressed that in international internships, “We think more of what is best for our students, what protects them, and what benefits the universities in the Philippines in return.”


Dr. Christine Nabor-Ferrer, Director IV of Commission on Higher Education Region I (CHEDRO1) expressed her support to this endeavor in Region VI and also shared the process on how to go about international internships. Dr. Ferrer was the Director for External Linkages and International Affairs of Tarlac Agricultural University before she was appointed Regional Director of CHEDRO1. She is considered as one of the mentors in internationalization in the Philippines.


The event closed with remarks from the TAU’s Acting Director of External Linkages and International Affairs Prof. Marlon Espedillon, “In any internationalization activity, it is imperative that we understand the quintessential reasons why we are sending our students abroad. Is it for competencies? Is it for our institution profile?… It is the learning processes and the ecological context that may significantly influence the internship experience. Hence, the need for this dialogue. I am thankful that we have this kind of forum… “


The event was participated by more or less 130 faculty, students, and staff.


Dalhousie University eyes partnership with WVSU

October 13, 2023-Dalhousie University (Dal), Canada met with West Visayas State University to talk about areas such as agriculture and food security, considering collaborations on mobility, research, and development project activities.


During the meeting-discussion at WVSU, Dal was represented by Project and Advancement Coordinator-International of the Faculty of Agriculture David Parks with their Manager for International Lana Bos expressed. They discussed strengths and possible projects to pursue with the College of Agriculture and Forestry (CAF).


The meeting was attended by president Dr. Joselito F. Villaruz, Vice President for Medical and Allied Sciences Dr. Celina Gellada, WVSU International and Local Linkages Office – ILLO Director Ms. Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka, CAF Campus Administrator Dr. Dominador Lisao, Dean of the College of Agriculture Dr. Anthony Leal, CAF faculty Prof. Leonie Consabo and CAF Internationalization Coordinator Prof. Michael Victor Gonzales.


DagYoung Ambassadors (university student ambassadors) Johnric Vargas and Marey Florence Losanes were present to help boost WVSU’s reputation by hosting the Dal guests from the hotel to the University.


The discussion will continue at Dal’s tour at the College of Agriculture and Foresty for them to see the campus and the Mariit Wildlife Conservation Park.



WVSU, recipient of CHED ICONS Award for IZN two years in a row

The Taga-West is again in revelry as they receive a commendation from the Commission on Higher Education for being one of the awardees during the Internationalization Champions of Nation-Building and Sustainability (ICONS) Awards 2023 on October 8, 2023 at the Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay City.


Represented by WVSU International and Local Linkages Office Director, Ms Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka, WVSU was given recognition for debuting at the World’s Universities with Real Impact (WURI), 201-300.


Ms. Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka acknowledges the effort of the entire WVSU system in this achievement. “We are only just beginning, having the ILLO established as a separate unit for only almost 2 years. The cooperation of everyone, especially those who work so hard to bring WVSU into a higher plane every time and unselfishly share extra of their time and resources, this award is for you.”


It is recalled that last year, the University also received an ICONS Award for garnering 3 stars in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).


The rankings and ratings of the state universities and colleges and the private higher education institutions in the country are products of the continuous efforts of the schools in pursuing internationalization here (home-based) and abroad (cross-border).


WVSU Calinog Campus explores best practices in Indigenous People Education at Philippine Normal University- North Luzon (PNU-NL)

West Visayas State University Calinog embarked on a journey of collaboration and knowledge-sharing with Philippine Normal University North Luzon (PNU-NL) last October 2-3, 2023.

This two-day benchmarking event focused on exploring best practices in Indigenous People (IP) education, delving into various facets such as curriculum development, research initiatives, extension activities, facilities and the unique concept of an IP village within the campus. The partnership aimed to foster a deeper understanding of effective approaches to empower and uplift indigenous communities through education. WVSU Calinog Campus group was spearheaded by Dr. Rosario Clarabel C. Contreras, Campus Administrator, Dr. Mercedes C. Ciasico, former Director for Academic Affairs and currently the Program Head of PhD in Education major in Education and MAED Educational Management, Dr. Elias C. Olapane, Campus Research Coordinator and Dr. Marie Candy L. Celeste, Chair of English Department and IPED Coordinator of the campus. They were welcomed warmly by the faculty, staff and students by PNU-NL headed by their Executive Director and Provost, Dr. Leticia N. Aquino.

One of the key highlights of the activity was the exchange of insights regarding curriculum development. PNU-NL presented and discussed their Diploma Program in Indigenous People Teacher Education. They have demonstrated their commitment to preserving indigenous knowledge and culture by incorporating these elements into its curriculum. The university has made substantial efforts to ensure that the education provided is not only academically rigorous but also culturally sensitive. PNU-NL is known as the Indigenous People Education Hub of the Philippines.

Participants in the benchmarking event were also introduced to a range of research initiatives that focused on issues affecting indigenous peoples and successful extension activities that were designed to provide tangible. Research collaborations between the two universities were also highlighted during the discussion. The strong support from the university administration and the local government units was manifested in the many successful activities promoting indigenous people education.

Lastly, a truly unique aspect of PNU-NL’s approach is the concept of an IP village. WVSU Calinog faculty got the chance to visit and see for their eyes the traditional houses of IP groups in the north including Ilokano, Kalinga, Ifugao and many more. This living classroom provides students with an immersive experience in indigenous culture and traditions. It also serves as a hub for community activities, enabling collaboration between students, faculty, and the indigenous population. This innovative approach not only educates but also fosters cultural appreciation and preservation.

The academic partnership between WVSU Calinog Campus and Philippine Normal University- North Luzon represents a commitment to excellence in indigenous people education. By coming together to share best practices and learn from each other, they aim to create a brighter future for indigenous communities in the Philippines and beyond. The two-day benchmarking event was a testament to the power of collaboration in academia, highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity and community engagement in education. WVSU Calinog Campus is committed to take strategic steps in promoting a more inclusive and equitable educational landscape for indigenous people.


WVSU ILLO conducts orientation on IZN procedures

WVSU IZN Coordinators and Frontliner-Staff of units gathered at the Center for Teaching Excellence Building for WVSU International and Local Linkages Office’s (ILLO) Communicating in the Workplace Era of Internationalization (IZN) : Orientation of ILLO Procedures and its Reason for Being.

Led by ILLO Director Mrs. Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka, the orientation discussed the different courses of action that were put into organizing the University’s travels: ILLO Mandates, MOU/MOA and International Travel procedures, and Budget and Itinerary Preparation.

Prof. Bryan Dayuta, Philippine Normal University’s Director of International Affairs and Linkages, discussed the importance of an Internationalization Office and the university’s role in helping it to succeed.

This is just the first of two parts of the said event.


WVSU Joins CHED’s Regional Orientation to further improve international travel procedures

West Visayas State University took part in the CHED’s Regional Orientation (Visayas Leg), focusing on the Guidelines for Assessment of Foreign Travel for State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) at L’Fisher Hotel, Bacolod City on September 21, 2023.

The orientation was broken down into three sessions, assessing different practices of SUCs’ foreign travels: Spotting and Avoiding Predatory International Conferences, Rules and Rates of Expenses and Allowances for Official Travels, and Revision of Processes and Guidelines of Foreign Travels for SUCs personnel.

Among the people who headed the discussions were Prof. Johnrev B. Guilaran, Associate Professor of University of the Philippines Visayas; together with Atty. Lynn Danao-Moreno GGAO’s Asst. Executive Secretary for the Office of the President of the Philippines; Prof. Bryan C. Dayuta, PNU’s Director for Linkages and International Office; CHED’s International Affairs; and, Dr. Gaudencio Petalcorin Jr., Vice Chancellor for Research and Enterprise of Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology.

WVSU was represented by Ms. Edel Carmela Subong-Csoka, Director of International and Local Linkages Office. She praised CHED’s initiative by saying, “This orientation clarifies all the queries regarding foreign travels and allowances, which will help WVSU strengthen its policies in internationalization. The International and Local Linkages Office facilitates the foreign travels and it is a tedious procedure. Our presence here with CHED International Affairs Services is indeed beneficial, most especially that an orientation on ILLO procedures will be held soon for the WVSU Community to reiterate processes.”