by Leo G. Almonte, MDC
West Visayas State University, a Higher Education Institution collaborator in the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) LAKAS 2022-001 Project, sent Dr. Celina Gellada, Dr. Carol Joy Quimpo, and Dr. Helmar Soldevilla, as representatives to a two-day training activity entitled “Optimizing Simulation-Based- Education (SBE), Training, Collaboration & Research- a focus on Technology- Driven Teaching & Learning Strategies,” held in Singapore from November 21 to 2022, 2022.
WVSU contingent attended the IMS Simulation Educators Training in Singapore’s Academia and other educators from UP – Manila and MSU General Santos.
The course goals are 1.) Establishing and maintaining role clarity 2.) Communicating effectively with a team 3.) Optimizing personnel support 4. Utilizing available resources, and 5.) Maintaining appropriate focus while assessing the big picture.
The lecture topics include Adult Learner and Simulation-based Learning, Orientation to Manikin & Equipment, Scenario Design, and Familiarization Scenario. Breakout Group Discussions highlighted the training where participants shared their insights on respective topics assigned to them.